Saturday, January 31, 2009


As I was looking over my classes that I will be starting next week and printing the millions of papers/syllibi I need, I realized..... I have EIGHT classes!! CRAZY!! I am getting very nervous! I don`t have a single book yet and I start on Monday! Why no books? No money! Still waiting for my grant. My book costs just for this semester are $700!
At least one of my eight classes is a voice class. Did I mention I love to sing? Ya, I have a 5 hour break in between classes, so I found a voice class.
So.... Monday morning I will be rising at 4:45 AM to get on the freeway by 5:45AM to battle parking (?) and be in class by 7:00AM! I will hopefully be home by 6PM!!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes woman!!!! You are in for one crazy semester. You can totally do it!! Let me know if I can help you with anything :)
